
Photo: Cannon Beach, Oregon

Photo: Cannon Beach, Oregon

I believe during this time we are all seeing quite a bit of change going on around us. We all are struggling with it in some way as well. I know it has been difficult for me. Change can be good sometimes, but it can also be really hard as we are all learning. We are humans of pattern and habit, we know what we like and how we like and we tend to stick to it, we don't change unless we want to. If you're like me, maybe sometimes you enjoy change, like trying new things, new experiences and even seeing new places. I believe we enjoy change when it is by our own choice and actions. When it is a change we believe we can control. But when it is out of our control or has a negative effect on our lives we don't enjoy it so much. When it is not a change that we chose or planned on, that's when we are caught by surprise and most of the time not a good kind of surprise. Change doesn't always just affect yourself, but also those around you. Change isn’t always enjoyable, sometimes its hard to adapt or even accept. But change is also needed sometimes in our lives but can be hard to accept and chose. There are different types of change, those we choose to make, and those that are just handed to us. It’s hard for me to think that after all of this sickness everything will go back to the way it was. I was pretty happy and comfortable before all of this and I probably even though I knew some of what the future held, but now all of that has seemed to change and it's been very hard to adapt. I don’t enjoy this kind of change, none of us do.

We as humans are more afraid of the unknown than we care to admit. We like to pretend that we know where we are going and exactly how we will get there. We tend to fear the unknown and try to fill our lives with lots and lots of distractions. We try to blind ourselves to the reality and truth of us not knowing a lot of things. For me, this has taken away a lot of distractions and forced me to see that there is a lot I don't know and maybe, even more, I don't understand. We need to accept the truth that we do not know everything that will or will not happen in this world. But there is someone who knows everything, past, and future. This is how I find peace: by putting my complete trust in God. All of this has placed a lot of uncertainty in the future. I am sure some of us are even fearful of how is this going to affect our Nation. There is so much unknown in our lives right now. I know I have been a bit fearful of how this will affect our lives and how we interact with people. No one knows. After all of this, people may no longer shake hands when meeting someone or hug when saying goodbye to friends. I know I enjoy comforting others and embracing them when they are down or hurting. I want to be able to help people, and encourage them as I share the love of Christ through my actions. But all this makes me a bit fearful of how it will affect my life and those around me. All of this has taught me just how quickly everything can change in this world. It is ever-changing, and so is everything in it. Relationships change, opinions change, friends change, beliefs change, even family changes, and yes, we as people also change. Though we may not like to admit it we are all growing and getting older. So, maybe it seems impossible to find something that will just stay the same, some kind of solid foundation for our lives that will be firm in a world that is constantly changing around us.
I realize now just how much I have taken for granted, spending time with family and friends, traveling, volunteering and helping others, going out to eat, going to church, and even just going to get a coffee drink at my dad's coffee shop. I see now how grateful I should be, even for the small things in life. I just expected all of this to never change. It was a change I wasn't planning on. So, how can I find peace in an ever-changing world? I know this is something I cannot find in this world. But it is something I find in Christ every day. He is never-changing! It is through Him I have been able to find peace during all of this. I know that His love, grace, and truth are always with me and will never change. He is helping me through all of this. He will never forsake me. His love for me is never-changing. I know that Christ is bigger than all of this and I can trust Him through it. During this time I want to grow in Him as a person, and grow in my love for His people! It is through Him I can face change even when it is hard.




-Invincible Joy-