Heart in Pursuit


Pursuit is action. If we want to grow in our knowledge of Christ we have to have a heart in pursuit of Him. In order to know God, we must pursue Him. We can always grow in our knowledge of Christ by praying, talking to Him and reading His Word. We are fully known and loved by God. But are we going to live a life in pursuit of knowing Him more? That is a lifetime commitment, we can always grow in our relationship with God. In order to know Him more, we need to have a heart in pursuit of Him. Pursue your God-given dreams and never let anyone tell you it is too big. Because there is no dream too big for God! He created each of us and has a calling over our lives. When we choose to step into His calling over our lives, that is when we find our purpose: to chase His calling over our lives with a Heart in Pursuit of Christ. "So then we pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another." (Romans 14:19)


-The greatest act of love-