-Be still-


We live in a world where everything seems to be constantly moving. We are always going somewhere or doing something, it’s a part of life. The world has made it almost seem wrong to stop moving and be still when everything around you is constantly moving and seems to never stop. It at times makes us feel like we should always be doing something. And if we are not, we are not being productive, we're being lazy. I don't believe this is always true. I believe we need to learn how to push away all of the distractions of the world and just sit still before the Lord and be with Him. Taking time to just sit in His presence. It's hard to do, believe me I know. But more than anything I have found it to be fulfilling. I know that through doing this I have grown so much Spiritually and it has helped me to be a peace. I truly believe we all need to learn how to just be still and quiet before the Lord as it says in  Exodus 14:14: "The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still."  This verse is encouraging especially during this hard time for all of us. At times we ask God for something and we want an answer right then, but we never give God the time to give us an answer. I know I have done this a lot. Once I present my needs to Him I go back to doing whatever it was I was doing. We just expect God will answer us, but the hard truth is we don't give Him the time to do so. After we ask God something, we need to take the time to listen, read His word and pray. God always answers us whether it's what we want to hear or not. God is always here listening to us, but we need to learn to also listen to Him. I have been learning this first hand, when I am still and quiet before the Lord with no distractions He speaks to me and answers me. I can hear His voice much more clearly. It may not be a direct answer or what I always want to hear, but he always gives me wisdom and peace through it. There are so many times we just want a direct answer. But if God was to always give us one we might try and take it into our own hands and make it happen ourselves. That is where trust comes in. Even though we may not know exactly what God is doing, we can trust Him. Because He is the only one who sees everything and knows our heart and exactly what we need. He is always with us no matter what happens, we are never left alone, even if at times it feels as though we are. “But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” (Jeremiah 17:7-8) I challenge you during this time to be still before the Lord, trust Him with all your heart. And always remember, you are never alone!


-Finding Peace-


-The greatest act of love-