-Finding Peace-


Finding peace during this time seems almost impossible. Everything around us looks to be going wrong. There is so much sickness, pain, and loss in our Nation during this very hard time for everyone. It is hard to find any good in all of this. Yet, in this dark time, we are seeing people cry out to God. People all over the world are praying for each other. It is during this time that we are having to come together and help and support one another. I see so many people worshiping Christ in the midst of this storm. If you are someone who feels these emotions deeply like me, it can be hard to keep from getting overwhelmed by all of these emotions: sadness, loss, pain, and worry. At times it feels like I am carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. For me, it is not as simple as just praying and letting it go and giving it to God. No matter how hard I try, it always seems to linger in my heart. I believe it is a gift from God, I can understand people and know how they feel and it moves me to comfort them and pray for them. But it is not so easy during this time. But as I have said before, it pushes me to pray more. For my family, my friends and all of those affected by this. I continue to give God all the glory in the middle of chaos. I am worshiping Him through all of this, even when I may not feel like it. I truly believe that when this is all over I will be so much stronger in my faith and in Christ. If I can trust Him with something so big it has effected this whole world, then surely I can trust Him with every area of my life. Because ultimately He is in control. I encourage you to press into Christ during this time. Ask God what it is He is teaching you during this time. Most of all, never forget who has the whole world in His hands! Know that I am praying for you every day. Continue to pursue Christ through all of this. God bless you and your family! 

“True friends never apart maybe in distance but never in heart”

― Helen Keller


-Invincible Joy-


-Be still-