-Jesus Loves Me-
At times it can be difficult to understand the love of God. Many of us view His love differently because we look through different lenses. Our life circumstances affect the way we view the world and the love of God. Our closest family and friends affect this greatly as well. For example, maybe you never had a father in your life or maybe he was just never around and did not show you the love of a father. Or maybe you are like me and are blessed to have a father in your life who represents the love of Christ well. But ultimately, no matter what background we come from we can all grow in the knowledge of Christ, His love for us, and who we are in Him.
God loved us so much He sent His Son to die on a cross for our sins so that we may choose to follow Him because we love Him. He loved us first before we chose to love Him. He showed us, love before we ever knew His name. Jesus offers His love freely to us! All we have to do is believe in Him. God’s love for us is impossible to comprehend, it is nothing like the love the world has to offer, His love is perfect, never changing, and cannot be earned, it is a gift offered to us freely. His love never fails, even when we mess up, His love is still there, there is nothing we could do to lose it. Jesus longs for us to want a relationship with Him, to seek Him and trust Him with all our heart. The safest place for our heart to be is in the hands of the one who created it. “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7, ESV). His love will never fade away, it is forever. He loves you more than anyone ever could. He loves you right where you are at and He is calling for you to follow Him. He is with you always, there is nowhere you can go where His love won’t find you. “Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God” (Ephesians 5:1-2, NIV).
“The wildest part is that Jesus doesn’t have to love us. His being is utterly complete and perfect, apart from humanity. He doesn’t need me or you. Yet He wants us, chooses us, even considers us His inheritance. The greatest knowledge we can ever have is knowing God treasures us” (Crazy Love. Francis Chan).