-Child of God-


You are a child of God, forgiven, chosen, and loved by Him. When we accept Christ into our hearts His forgiveness covers us, His blood washes all our sins away. It is important for us to remember we don't need to focus on being perfect because no matter how hard we try it is impossible, we live in a broken world full of evil. Instead of focusing on perfection, we need to focus on living for Christ, His kingdom and not for the world. We must be setting examples of what it means to be a child of God and truly live for Jesus! 

Our job and desire as His children are to share the Gospel among the nations, to bring people to know who God is and how much He loves them. We need to be bright lights for Jesus and go out into the world and share God's love, we can even be doing that right where we are now. I know there are people around us every day that don't know who God is or maybe they don’t know how they can know Him better. We can be messengers For Christ by sharing the gospel and our testimonies with those around us.

As believers, we are also called to help and encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ. This is an important part of being in the family of God, it is good to get connected with other Christians and encourage one another in our Faith. It's very wise to have godly people pour into you as you are pouring out to others, like a cup your heart only overflows when it is being poured into, and it overflows what is being poured into it. This is one of the reasons we need to be wise about what we listen to, what we watch, and the people we spend time with. What are you allowing to pour into your life and heart today? God says:“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life” (Proverbs 4:23). As you are helping others grow in their faith make sure you take the time to be growing in your relationship with God as well. Keep seeking God and His Kingdom, live out your faith. Choose to make time to be alone in God’s Word, pray and let Him speak to you. 

"And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased" (Hebrews 13:16).

I encourage you to take the time to list to this song: It’s always been you by Phil Wickham


-Pursuit in the Silence -


-Jesus Loves Me-