I believe it is important that our actions back up our words. It can be hard to trust someone who says one thing and does another. Because that is lying. Our actions should back up what we say. It’s like that saying: “actions speak louder than words.” I find this very accurate because its easy to tell people what they want to hear. But doing is a lot harder than just saying it. For example, if I say I am a follower of Christ but my actions speak differently, what does that say about my character? I am not being true to who I say I am. I want people to know me not just by my words and what I tell them about myself, but most importantly by my actions. I want my actions to reflect what is in my heart and who God says I am: His child.
This topic makes me think a little about social media. Social media allows us to portray ourselves as we want to be seen, you can pretend to be whoever you want. You can try and make people believe that your life is always good. People want you to only see the good in their lives, because when they share their struggles they are being vulnerable, which can be hard sometimes. Don’t try to deceive people or even yourself about what you put on social media. Because the truth is we are all sinners, we all have things we struggle with. Be honest with yourself and those you care about because those are the people who really know you and love you for who you are. Don't look for the approval of strangers, they do not know you or your heart. The only person you should be trying to please is Christ.
There are a lot of people who only post what they want you to see or how they want to see themselves. they post stuff that makes them seem strong, confident, and not insecure. When people scroll through their feed they think: “wow, their life is perfect. They have it all together. The perfect job, house, friends, relationships. I wish I…… This is where it gets dangerous, you start playing the “compare game”. You compare yourself to these other people on social media, even people you don’t know. Let me just tell you, everything seems and looks better on social media than it actually is. People only post when they are at there best, they post what they want you to see…. Only the good, not the hard struggles. Do not base your life around how many ‘likes’ you get. This is no way to live. No one is perfect and no one has everything all together. We all mess up and make mistakes. Don't believe the lie that if you have it all together and never mess up people will accept you and like you. This is nothing but a fantasy because we will never be this perfect image that we have told ourselves we need to be. But there is someone who will accept you just as you are no matter what. His name is Jesus Christ. He loves you as you are, flaws and all. He gave His life for us. His love is unconditional. His love does not expire or change when we mess up. His love is never changing! Don’t give social media the power to define who you are, because all that matters is who God says you are: Fearfully and wonderfully made, loved by God. Don’t let anything in this world define you! Find who you are in Christ alone. Trust Him and who He says you are. Be happy right where God has placed you in life, don’t let your focus be on what you wish you had. It is time to stop and look around at all of the blessings in your life right now. Live your life focused on all that God is! So don’t worry, be happy. Because He has a great plan for your life! It is through Him you will find your purpose. “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” 1 Peter 2:9
As believers we long to please our Father, we long to hear the words “well done, my good and faithful servant.” We pursue what we love. Love is not only a word and an emotion, but it is also an action and a choice. We need to strive to love others with the love of Christ, a love that is unconditional and pure. A love that is never-changing! We need to let go of everything, and give God control over our lives and trust Him. Love trust, so if we truly love God, we can trust Him with every area of our lives. Let’s go out into the world and be bright lights for Christ, let’s represent Him not just in our words, but most importantly in our actions.
“Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” 1 John 3:18